Common Myths About ADHD

ADHD is a disorder that is often misunderstood. For parents who have children with ADHD, it can be frustrating to explain your child’s condition to those who don’t understand. To help clarify some common ADHD misunderstandings, the experts at AGC Pediatrics have debunked five ADHD myths.

Common Myths About ADHD

ADHD is a disorder that is often misunderstood. For parents who have children with ADHD, it can be frustrating to explain your child’s condition to those who don’t understand. To help clarify some common ADHD misunderstandings, the experts at AGC Pediatrics have debunked five ADHD myths.

Children Can Outgrow ADHD

Children never outgrow ADHD because it is a medical condition. Many people believe this myth because ADHD symptoms manifest differently in adults. ADHD is highly manageable with behavioral therapy, a structured environment and medication. Following a well-planned treatment protocol will help your children grow into healthy, socially adept and creative adults.

All Children with ADHD are Hyperactive

ADHD manifests itself differently in each child. In fact, ADHD has three separate subtypes that include:

  • Predominantly Inattentive Subtype. In this subtype, children are easily distracted and may have difficulty reading instructions carefully or following instructions thoroughly. They may often be forgetful or miss small details.
  • Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Subtype. In this subtype, children have a difficult time sitting still or waiting in line, are restless, fidgety and may blurt out answers before hearing the end of a question.
  • Combination Subtype. Some children have a combination of both subtypes leading them to be both hyperactive and inattentive in certain situations.

ADHD is a Result of Poor Parenting and Lack of Discipline

ADHD is not a result of bad parenting. While scientists aren’t exactly sure what causes this disorder, ADHD has been shown to increase the size of the brain indicating a biological condition. Children with ADHD can learn through therapy, but still have a difficult time managing their behavior.

ADHD is Over Diagnosed

Many people think that ADHD is over-diagnosed, but doctors believe that this condition is actually under diagnosed in America. It may appear to be a popular diagnosis because of the increased awareness about ADHD in the media.

Only Boys are Affected by ADHD

Twice as many boys are affected by ADHD than girls, but that doesn’t mean that girls don’t also deal with this condition. Many doctors believe that this condition is often undiagnosed in girls because it presents itself differently. Girls with ADHD are often less disruptive in class and tend to daydream more than boys.

Find ADHD Treatment and Therapy at AGC Pediatrics

At AGC Pediatrics, we specialize in the treatment of behavioral conditions like ADHD. We work with parents and children to create individualized behavior and learning plans to lend structure to their lives. We also offer behavioral disorder resources for parents on our website. If you think your child may have ADHD, please contact us at 706-625-5900 and schedule an appointment today.