Foods that Fight Childhood ADHD

Many parents of children with ADHD constantly struggle to help their child stay focused and on task while in school or at home. While ADHD medications can help, there are other ways to help manage childhood ADHD symptoms, including behavioral management techniques such as a routine schedule or a reward system.

Foods that Fight Childhood ADHD

Foods that Fight Childhood ADHD – Many parents of children with ADHD constantly struggle to help their child stay focused and on task while in school or at home. While ADHD medications can help, there are other ways to help manage childhood ADHD symptoms, including behavioral management techniques such as a routine schedule or a reward system.

One method of managing symptoms that is often overlooked is diet control. For children with ADHD, a small piece of birthday cake at a party or a bowl of sugary cereal can mean a day full of hyperactivity, impulsive behavior and attention issues, leaving parents feeling helpless.

In order to minimize ADHD symptoms and help your child reach his or her full potential, check out these dietary guidelines for children with ADHD.

Eat foods rich in protein.

Foods rich in protein help decrease the number of blood sugar spikes, helping to eliminate hyperactivity and concentration problems. Proteins are used in the body to create and release neurotransmitters, such as dopamine. These neurotransmitters help brain cells communicate with each other and form new neuron connections.

Translation? Protein helps promote concentration and brain connections.

Look for protein in lean beef, poultry, fish, eggs, pork, beans, nuts, soy and low fat dairy products.

Decrease sugar intake.

Not only does eating less sugar help make for a healthier lifestyle, but it also helps decrease hyperactivity, impulsivity and mood swings. Blood sugar levels spikes can be the underlying cause of many ADHD symptoms, including poor concentration and “acting out.”

Eliminating sugary cereals, foods with added sugars, and desserts can help maintain blood sugar levels and promote a balanced mood.

Add more Omega-3 fatty acids.

These essential nutrients are only found in food and cannot be produced by the body. Children with ADHD have been found to have lower omega-3 levels than other children. Research shows that added omega-3s, whether through fish consumption or with omega-3 supplements, help decrease ADHD symptoms and increase focus and concentration.

Cut back on chemicals and processed foods.

Chemicals and processed foods have been shown to increase ADHD symptoms in children. Check nutrition labels before purchasing food, and eliminate foods that include additives such as yellow dyes or red dyes, which turn into sugars.

It’s also helpful to avoid white breads and other processed starches and foods. The body breaks these down as sugars, therefore increasing hyperactivity and behavioral issues our medication.

Check zinc, iron, and magnesium levels.

Many children with ADHD have low levels of these three essential vitamins. These vitamins help with the release of neurotransmitters that aid concentration and focus. Because an overdose of vitamins can cause other issues, have a pediatrician check your child’s levels and supplement if necessary.

Treatment for Childhood ADHD – AGC Pediatrics

You don’t have to watch your child struggle with their ADHD symptoms. With the help of our doctors at AGC Pediatrics, you can help your child find relief.

Schedule an appointment at one of our convenient locations in Calhoun, Sonoraville or Cartersville. We specialize in ADHD management and behavioral medicine, childhood asthma and allergy testing along with our general practice.

Contact us at 706-625-5900 or ask us a question online.