Flu Prevention Tips

​It’s every parent’s worst nightmare: the flu. We do our best to protect our children against all illnesses, but a run-in with the flu is inevitable at some point in everyone’s life. While it can be hard to avoid throughout your entire life, there are certain preventative measures all parents can take to keep children as healthy as possible.

Flu Prevention and Treatment Tips

It’s every parent’s worst nightmare: the flu. We do our best to protect our children against all illnesses, but a run-in with the flu is inevitable at some point in everyone’s life. While it can be hard to avoid throughout your entire life, there are certain preventative measures all parents can take to keep children as healthy as possible.

Additionally, AGC Pediatrics has treatment tips for those who are unfortunate enough to have children that have come down with the flu.

It’s hard to keep kids from coming in contact with other children, or even other adults; parents and school providers can work together to ensure the environment in which they interact is always sanitary. The flu virus lives for 48 hours on porous materials and 24 hours on hard surfaces, without a host (body).

At Home:

When children are home, parents should keep their contact with the public to minimal levels. Any cross contamination of fluids is likely to get another person sick.

Wash your child’s linens and clothing frequently while they are sick. If a dirty shirt sleeve is in contact with other articles of clothing they decide to wear, even after feeling better, it can infect others. Disinfectant laundry detergents and bleach are all available over-the-counter for killing germs.

Teach your child healthy manners like covering their nose and mouth. They should do this with a tissue and immediately throw it away, then wash hands with soap and water. Additionally, parents should opt for the flu vaccine in children 6 months or older; this is sometimes available in nasal sprays.

At School:

Children who appear to be sick should never be sent to school. The influenza (flu) virus is highly contagious. It spreads through any contact with airborne droplets or direct contact with fluids.

Toys, desks, or mats should always be sanitized with kid-friendly sanitizing products. A great idea for teachers is to work with parents on donation items like hand kid-friendly hand sanitizers, soaps, and wipes. Garbage bins should be used (and emptied) frequently.

Helpful Treatment Methods

If your child has already come down with the flu, you can probably tell how uncomfortable they are. If caught early enough, Tamiflu is a great new prescription medication that helps with flu symptoms, lessens downtime, and actually fights the virus.

If your child has to endure the symptoms and it’s too late for Tamiflu, there are some old-fashioned at-home tips that can help:

  • Make sure your child rests. Even if they feel a spurt of energy during the day or something entices them, they should nap or rest as much as possible. The body needs this time to recuperate.
  • Make sure your child drinks plenty of fluids. The flu often causes diarrhea and vomiting which dehydrate the body. Water and drinks with added electrolytes are the best option. Avoid drinks with caffeine, like sodas.
  • Make homemade soup. Adding organic veggies and chicken or vegetable stock is a great way to boost a low appetite while added essential vitamins into the diet

Contact AGC Pediatrics

If your child has come down with the flu, make an appointment with AGC Pediatrics. Our helpful staff are available to answer any questions you may have about the flu. Contact us about immunizations or checkups today!

AGC Pediatrics treats patients from newborns to young adults through 21 years of age. Patients can now schedule online or call (706) 625-5900.